Exchanger and Tower Inspection
Course, and Books

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Exchanger and Tower Inspection

The course gets into the nuts and bolts of exchangers and towers. What purpose they serve, which leads to the potential failure mechanisms and what to look for and where
This combined course is intended for those Fixed Equipment Inspectors who have recently joined or rejoined the Turnaround Circuit. This course is particularly helpful for any visual inspector who may have limited internal inspection experience with or whose Turnaround Inspection career may have been interrupted by long term Projects or Unit Support jobs. Course material covers not only the configuration of the internals of the equipment, but their purpose and actual operation, allowing the inspector to perform a better inspection and write a better report than might otherwise be possible.
Chris' inspection manuals "The Heat Exchanger Book", "The Tower Book", and "The Heater Book" will be available to students at a 10% discount during the week of the class. These books provide valuable insight into how the equipment operates, proper equipment terminology to facilitate inspection, and failure modes and to our knowledge are the only "How to inspect it / What to look for / Where to look and What it's called" books ever written by and for Visual Inspectors.

Exchanger Tower Inspection

* Learn the purpose of the equipment
* Learn how they operate
* Where they are going to fail
* Proper terminology

Books are available for order with class,
or seperately.

To Register, or Order Books

Complete online registration form, (option - email or mail registration form) and mail check or money order to:
DTM Enterprises, 2603 Dupont Pasadena, TX 77503
Phone: 281-330-9542
Contact us for other payment options
Please read our Payment and Refund Policy
Students are responsible for obtaining their own Code books.
API now using electronic testing & code books

Full Class Schedule (pdf)

DTM Enterprises - Training Inspectors since 1995